About CTS

Student Life

We recognize that learning occurs both in and out of the classroom. Continental seeks to graduate people of competence and character who will lead the way in bringing meaningful change in our world. Together with the entire seminary community, the Student Life Office seeks to unite learning and living in all activities. Through the programs and services of the Student Life Office, students are encouraged to grow in independence, in responsibility, in servanthood, and in Christian maturity. Campus life is an integral part of the seminary experience. Sharing experiences, forming lasting friendships, and living as a member of the seminary community contribute to the process of shaping Christian character. CTS provides numerous opportunities to participate in co-curricular activities including student ministries, athletics, student missions, music groups, cultural events, student government, and other activities.

Spiritual Development

Daily chapel services at Continental provide an opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to express their faith through corporate worship and praise to God. A vibrant chapel atmosphere promotes spiritual growth and provides an opportunity for individuals to minister to each other. Chapel services include both small groups and all-school community gatherings. To foster spiritual formation and character, the seminary leadership encourages the personal devotions of each student. Additionally, there is an active Missions Outreach and Student Ministry Program on campus providing expanded opportunities for students to develop and grow spiritually.

Personal Tutorial Program 

To help our students gain the most out of their CTS experience each student is assigned a personal faculty tutor for the duration of their studies.  Personal meetings are held with their tutor each semester to help the student’s adjustment to life at CTS and to encourage spiritual and academic progress.  Monthly tutor group meetings provide opportunities for fellowship and peer mentoring as students from mixed academic levels share the joys and challenges of each season of their studies.

Campus Life

Throughout the school year various special events, concerts, banquets, and a variety of student activities provide a rich social environment for students. Being in close proximity to Brussels, the capital of Europe, a variety of off-campus cultural activities are easily accessible.

Residence Life

Continental is a residential seminary because we believe that the residential experience makes a valuable contribution to shaping Christian character. Faculty and staff members realize that the years spent at CTS are a period of significant developmental change for most students. It is in the context of community that the seminary can best fulfill its mission to the “whole person.” Living on campus is an integral part of a student’s educational experience. Resident Assistants are student leaders who work closely with the Student Life Director to provide spiritual, emotional, educational, and social programming designed to assist students in their personal growth and development. A limited number of on-campus apartments are available to married couples enrolled as full-time students.

Student Association Council

The Student Association Council offers students the privilege and responsibility of serving the student body by coordinating activities and representing student needs to the administration and faculty. In the spring of each academic year the student body elects the council.

Student Missions Association

The Student Missions Association consists of a student leadership team and a faculty sponsor. The association seeks to inspire missionary interest among the student body by organizing the annual Missions Convention, collecting missions offerings, coordinating missions chapels, and summer missions endeavors.

Student Ministry Committee

The Student Ministry Committee consists of a student leadership team and a faculty sponsor. The committee coordinates all aspects of the student ministry program including weekly student ministries, evangelism outreaches, and Student Ministry Week.

Student Activities

Student activities abound at Continental. Activities include all-school social nights, dorm socials, sporting opportunities, banquets, and various trips to conferences and seminars. It can be difficult to balance academics with extra-curricular involvement, but by carefully identifying priorities, students are able to glean the most from their time spent at Continental.

International Student Body

One of the strengths of the seminary is the annual blending of more than 30 nationalities in the student body. Students are afforded a natural setting in which to gain an appreciation of other cultures and ways of seeing the world.