Current Students

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Learning Resources



The seminary houses one of the finest evangelical libraries in Europe. The V. G. Greisen Memorial Library serves as the center for academic endeavors outside the classroom. Currently more than 45,000 volumes in English, Dutch, French, and German are in its collections, including several historical collections. Additionally, the school subscribes to academic journals, magazines, and periodicals in various languages. CTS is also a part of the ATLA Consortium of European Evangelical Schools that uses the services of EBSCO Publishing and provides the students with access to the online ATLA Religion Database with ATLA serials. 

Perlego - Digital Library

Perlego is an online library of academic resources and tools, trusted by students worldwide, which offers immediate and 24/7 access to over 300,000 resources. This allows students to save money on textbooks and benefit from this powerful learning tool. This year, CTS students can have access to the Perlego Digital Library for only 30 euro. Please contact Dr. David Trementozzi - to access your personal license.

Student Computer Lab

In the student computer lab, a standard set of academic software tools are provided that include word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software. The lab also provides full access to the Internet, electronic mail, World Wide Web, a laser printer, and other local networked resources.

Personal Tutorial Program

Through the Personal Tutorial Program (PTP), each student will be assigned to a tutor (a member of faculty) upon arrival at CTS. Tutors are available to offer advice and to discuss any problems the student might have, be they academic or personal. The PTP is a tool for students to use when monitoring and planning their academic and personal skills development.

Writing Style Manual

A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate L. Turabian has been adopted by the faculty as the standard style for all writing assignments at Continental Theological Seminary. During their first semester, students will be introduced to this style and use it throughout their studies at Continental.

Language Testing

Language testing enables you and our teaching staff to evaluate reading and writing skills. CTS requires language testing for all new students. Additionally, if you would like to take courses in a second language, you may do so if you qualify using our approved language testing. Each test is free and takes less than an hour. If you plan to take a language test, please set aside one hour, be prepared to use headphones, and find a private location. Please forward all results to our registrar's office at

CTS Online Writing Center

The CTS Online Writing Center can help strengthen your English writing skills and provide important information about various writing and research topics that will benefit your academic journey at CTS.
Please click here to access this class.
This resource is in the Neo learning management system. If you already set up your Neo account, then you should be taken straight to the class. If you haven’t then please follow these directions:
1.      At the first screen you are brought to click on “Sign in with Google”
2.      Next, just select your ctsem google email address. If it doesn’t show up then just type it in.
3.      At the next screen, just click “Allow”
4.      Then at the Welcome screen click “Got it, thanks!”
5.      Finally, you will be brought to your class. You just need to click on the class tile, and it will bring you inside.